Design, collaboration & connection with Gunthar Hartwig in Ecuador
Our guest this week was Gunthar Hartwig, a design leader and practitioner with 20+ years of experience developing B2C and B2B software for US and global markets. He joined us from Quito, the capital of Ecuador, and a highly biodiverse region of the world.
Nature-based decision making with Kevin Halsey of Ecometrix Solutions
Our guest this week was Kevin Halsey, co-founder of the Ecosystem Intelligence Platform and Senior Ecosystem Services Analyst at EcoMetrix Solutions. He joined NTC Now from Montana outside Glacier National Park — a spectacular region of glaciers, alpine meadows, and carved valleys.
5 trends shaping nature fintech
Financial technology, best known as fintech, leverages the power of technology to increase access to financial services, provide faster and more transparent transactions, and finance sectors and areas that the market has previously ignored. One of these areas — nature–has been marked by negative externalities, inefficiency in capital allocation, unequal access, and an absence of data and information. Nature fintech aims to resolve these market failures and create a world where finance, nature, and technology are symbiotic.
Indigenous data & rights of nature with Drea Burbank of Savimbo
Our guest this week was Drea Burbank, CEO and co-founder of Savimbo, who joined NTC Now from the Columbian Amazon, a biodiversity hotspot with rare species including bush dog, jaguar, and harpy eagle. Outside her office is a pristine primary forest which hasn’t been disturbed for over 5000 years.